What is RSS?

What is RSS?

RSS is a way to stay updated with a live feed of content. You use an RSS reader to subscribe to content that is updated automatically for you. This content can also send you an alert when an update is out.

This is a great way for following content on a website. For example, you may want to follow an actor you admire and want to know what musicals they may be in so you can order tickets. RSS also saves you time and ensures your privacy is secure.

For iOS and Android
Browser extensions

How do I work this thing?

It can be a bit scary seeing all this content at your fingertips but remember you are in control. The best way to add an RSS feed is to copy the URL of the feed and paste it into where you add content.

Once you add the feed URL and the reader says its added, you will automatically receive the content of the feed in your reader. You can then read the information on the reader or visit the website at your leisure.

Example RSS feed: https://news.iu.edu/rss?c=iub&topic=arts-and-humanities&t=college-of-arts-and-sciences